Electric dumps ! lets see Yours ! ?



Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
PortWashington , NewYork
alright guys from what i see my friends have always cheap out abd buy the cabel pull dumps .. lets face it they suck , after the 3rd time u pull it the cabel sticks LOL or they just dont open .. I wanna know what kind are you guys useing and what brands > ? and a good source to buy from ?

If you guys can post some pictures then do it !! :cheers:

-- Angelo
I'm going to so I'd like to see some pics myself. The only ones I'm aware of at Summit or Jegs are pricy
there was a thread awhile ago talking about these...if I recall the electric ones end up leaking alot....the solenoids cant close properly...or something to that effect. To much pressure?

Good luck! Aloha.
Here are my dumps, haven´t been able to test them yet.
But I´ll come back to this thread in about a week or so when I´ve taken the Cuda for the first ride of this year.

cudan feb 09 005 - Kopia.JPG
Are those running on vacuum? What is the black hose at the rear for?
More info please, not that I am planning on doing it just interested in how it works.
Since I am no longer building these,I can brag and not feel too guilty about it.

The vacuum hose attaches to the 4" vacuum actuators on the front of the muffler.You see the shot in my Avator to the left? You can see them. Or better still, here are better shotd.

When you pull the vacuum switch in my car, which looks like the cigarette lighter now, it evacuates the actuator which pulls an internal valve closing off 2/3 of the tubes and directing the exhaust straight out the rear section of the muffler. There is lot more happening than this actually but this is an easy and fast way to see how they work.



I didn't, Pontiac did in the mid-60s. :):) We just resurrected their brilliant idea and design and upgraded it with today's technology.

where did you get the vacuum actuators and what is their throw?
I need a set for an exaust related project, very different from yours.
i just picked up an exhaust system with qtp electric dumps, I cant wait to see how its gunna sound!

thanks Jack!
So I missed this somewhere... are these no longer being made at all or just by you - VOETOM? You should brag about that work, it looks very well done.