Figure that I'd introduce myself



Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
Waterloo, SC
Alright, I'm Harrison. I'm a sophomore in high school. I got a 1963 4-door Dodge Dart 270 around three years ago, and I'm finally ready to start doing some work on it. Going to try to do most of the stuff to it myself.

Should be getting pictures of it tomorrow, but I've been saying that all week. :p
Bust out with the pictures!!!!! And WELCOME TO THE ABSOLUTE BEST A-BODY SITE ON THE WEB!!!!!! I just love this site. And I really like everyone that I talk to on a regular basis. Everyone here is real helpful and I just love being a member.
Bust out with the pictures!!!!! And WELCOME TO THE ABSOLUTE BEST A-BODY SITE ON THE WEB!!!!!! I just love this site. And I really like everyone that I talk to on a regular basis. Everyone here is real helpful and I just love being a member.

Welcome to the board. Post those pics when you can. We would love to see them.
Welcome Harrison, As you can see there is the best of the best tec's here and some great folks to help you along when you need it.
Jump on in and enjoy this great place I call home.

Good to see another young gun with us.
Welcome aboard, you have come to the right place. Don't be affraid to ask questions and good luck with your build.
Hey, thanks all for the warm welcome.

I got the camera today, and I'm about to leave to get pictures.
Welcome aboard.
BTW, the link didn't work...
Howdy, Harrison. I like the color of the interior. Looks like a good project.
My son was in the 8th grade when we started rebuilding his first car, a '74 Dart Sport. We finally got it on the road when he was a junior in high school. He's in his second year of college and still drives it every day.

Glad you found us,