Fixing chips in plastic bezel



Former Dart owner
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I am in the process if fixing my pushbutton shifter (thanks to Cosgig and Vdart) and found several chips in the shifter bezel around the wiper and headlight switch areas on the raised circular areas. What would you use to fix these chips? Bondo? Epoxy? Obviously it has to be something that will sand smooth to match the contour. Suggestions please. It will be painted over so what ever material used will be hidden. This is for a 63 Dart.

glazing "spot " putty or they make a filler for model plastic you can get it at the hobby shop just be sure to test it on the back somewhere because it might react badly with some of the older plastics
I have been using ZAP-A GAP. It is a gap filling super glue made for plastic you can sand smoth. You can get it at any hobby shop. If the chip is on the edge and the glue wants to run out of the hole before it drys. Put a peace of tape there till it drys then pull the tape off and it will all ready be in ruff shape.

Here is a pic of a grill I did. You can see where I put the tape.


That ZAP-A-GAP stuff sounds interesting. I used epoxy on my grill to put it back together and it came out great.
i got a crack in my sharktooth grill that runs along the whole top, u think if i ran a bead of that ZIP-ZAP stuff across it and sand it smooth then paint think it will do a good job
i got a crack in my sharktooth grill that runs along the whole top, u think if i ran a bead of that ZIP-ZAP stuff across it and sand it smooth then paint think it will do a good job

If it is not a butt joint it should hold good. It will not hold a butt joint all though I have not found any thing that will. I hit a road cone going 70 in my Dart one night and broke the grill. It was bad. I put it all back together using that glue and it has been holding up very well.

Cant even tell it ever happened.

Honestly, I dont think I'd do anything to it. The scars show a lot better on the wookbench than they will in the car . Switch knobs nearly cover them .
That piece is vacuum plated ABS and someone may want to have it replated someday. At that time you would use a plastic welder or even a soldering iron to rebuild the plaxstic and work down to shape. That insures theirs no conflict with the plating process. Just my .02
Well I have found the best stuff in the world to repair plastic or anything else as far as that goes.You can sand and paint it after repairs.This even comes with a bottle of a finely ground substance that appears to be plastic for building corners that are missing or for high build areas.You can even drill & tap it.I have used it on my sharktooth grille and believe me it is amazing !!!!:cheers:
Here is a link where you can get it and believe me you better buy an extra because this stuff is GREAT.Keeping it in the refrigerator keeps a longer shelf life.Good Luck