Flexplate issues


This Bad Demon

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2010
Reaction score
Nassau The Bahamas
I have a Demon that has cracked the flexplate.....It just cracked tonight.....I've had it break before....I was wondering what kind of damage I may do if I were to drive it from Danville to Richmond Va? It's a 2.5 hour trip....If I could get a quick response before 2morrow so I could schedule a bus trip if I have to.....Someone let me know.....
How do you know it just cracked tonight?

If it just started making noise tonight and you found it crack how do we know if the crack just spread and got worst enough to hear today?

2 1/2 hours, wow. It might thou but it be a big towing bill if it had to be a two hour tow.

I think I might go for it thou..does it quiet down at certain rpms, if so I try to keep it around there.

My spun rod bearing wasn't knock loud enough to hear til 2,500 rpms. I drove it for around 30-45 mins all together..creeping along at under 35 mph, lol
It started with a slight ting ting ting and is starting to get louder.....It made the same noise the last time it cracked, but I was already in Richmond and didn't get over 45 mph....Where on 360 I will do about 55-60 mph......I think I may jus leave it don't want that thought of a tow bill on my head the whole trip!!!!! Let me know what you think
i have push the limits on flex plates more then once . if it just one ear drive it . it will take you to the house .i have had all 4 broke not cracked as long as its still moving dont shut it down till you get where your going