LOL, OK, the leaded gas;
Lead was introduced into the gas because when the fuel exploded, there was a fine mist of lead left behind that coated the seat area. This now coated area cushioned the exhaust valve as it closed on the seat. Lead also ups the octane level.
Putting seats (Hardened) into a head is to ;
Save the head, extened it's life.
Keep it numbers matching.
Save the head from the valve sinking into the head. That would ruin performance and have the cam seem smaller since the valve is sunk in the head. The same lift @ the cam would not be so at the valve.
If the head is ported allready, this will save a ton-o-money.
Some people want the older head for possible race class, restored class, or just want to work what they have. The hardened seat keeps the head working.