Fuel Bowl, Holley 1-bbl



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2012
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Hello all, I must be doing something wrong, but I keep changing gaskets on the fuel bowl on the Holley 1-bbl carb. Am I doing something wrong? I keep having to buy carb rebuild kits just to get the fuel bowl gasket. How tight do those screws need to me? I change it, and a few days later, it is seeping out slowly, onto the intake manifold. Thanks for any tips,
I would check both the face of the fuel bowl cap and the face of the carb where the bowl mounts to make sure they are flat, and with no nicks or dings that could leak. Use a straightedge to check the flatness of the surfaces - a small piece of glass works well too, as glass is amazingly flat. The screws need only be nicely hand tightened with a screwdriver - you don't have to crank them down hard. And if you are even reasonably handy, you can avoid buying a complete kit just to get the bowl gasket by making your own. Any parts store has gasket stock, just lay the old gasket on there and trace around it. Cut it out with a razor knife and you're set.
Have you tried just re-tightening the screws before removing and replacing? A little RTV on both sides of gasket might do the trick.