Gas Tank Overflow Problem



Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I am sure someone out there knows the answer to this. My 1972 Demon has a fuel overflow problem.

When I fill her up at the gas station the pump will not automatically cut off when the tank is full like it does with newer cars. My Fathers '66 Coronet has the same problem. I spoke to him about it and he explained to me that the new pumps have different pump nozzles than old pumps and that the fill tube in these old mopars don't have the little flappers that kick the pump off. He writes his mileage down and keeps track of when and how much he needs to fill up. He thought someone out there probably made a little insert that would go into the fuel fill tube that would kick off these new pump nozzles.

Has anyone ever had this problem and corrected it? I'm tired of splashing fuel on the side of my car and think that there has to be a better system than listening for it to gurgle when its closed to full and jotting down the mileage.:banghead:
It's been about 8 years since I've had my Duster on the road (a problem that should be remedied by this Xmas), but I don't remember having that problem when it was driveable.
Ya. You take a bunch of those brown paper towels and wad them up placing them under the nozzle. Welcome to the world of a bodies! And yes, there is an insert they make. I'm sure someone will chime in with it
Doba, I should slap my forehead for at least not thinking of that redneck solution. At least that would save my paint from gasoline until a final solution can be made.

Good to hear that there is something out there that will help that problem, even more glad that I am not the one crazy kid who has this problem.

If anyone has information on something that is used to fix this problem more permanently than wadded up paper towels, PLEASE let me know.

There never were "flappers" that had to do with nozzle shutoff. It's cause by a pressure surge coming back up the fill pipe. If you have an earlier car with a "leaded" (larger dia.) filler, the new smaller nozzles may not shut off.

Most of this is poor design, adjustment, and installation. Some stations around here operate at very high pressure compared with others to hasten fill time. They also don't shut off as reliably. The fillers on my (dual tanks) old 86 ranger are at about the same height as my Dart, and some of them don't even shut off in the Ranger without spilling.

Yup. I guess jam 'er up with towels, or else pick and choose your station.
i want the flapper valve too. we used to sell them at pep boys in the mid 90's. im hoping someone knows where we can get them now.

i need it for fuel slosh control on the autocross course.
