Getting any days off for Christmas?



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Lakeview, OR
I work at a high school, the kids, teachers, and office staff get two weeks off.

But being a custodian, we get two days, Christmas Eve and Christmas day. But I'm taking Monday the 23rd so it'll be like a 5 day weekend.

What do ya get?
With Christmas being on a Wednesday this year, we're only getting Christmas Day and New Year's Day off for the holidays. No Christmas Eve, no New Year's Eve.
Going to be a strange schedule: 2-day weekend, work 2 days, holiday, work 2 days, 2-day weekend, work 2 days, holiday, work 2 days, 2-day weekend.
I miss all the years that I worked in aerospace - traditionally we shut down the entire week between Christmas and New Years.
With Christmas being on a Wednesday this year, we're only getting Christmas Day and New Year's Day off for the holidays. No Christmas Eve, no New Year's Eve.
Going to be a strange schedule: 2-day weekend, work 2 days, holiday, work 2 days, 2-day weekend, work 2 days, holiday, work 2 days, 2-day weekend.
I miss all the years that I worked in aerospace - traditionally we shut down the entire week between Christmas and New Years.
That's kinda how I saw it. Why have a weekend, then work one day and then have two off.
I will enjoy the time off Dec 21 to Jan 6, all paid but weekends.
The company is shut down from Christmas to New Years, but I’m paid as a consultant so days off mean no pay. Good news is I get paid for the work I do even when they are shut down so I will be able to work my own schedule keeping things going during the shutdown and get paid for it.
I'll be off Christmas day for sure .............................................then every day thereafter since I've been retired for the last 10 years!!:rofl: I used to hate having to work during the Xmas season, now I enjoy every single day watching every Xmas show ever made!!
We thought we'd be closed from Christmas Eve through New years day, but now we will only be closed Christmas Eve and day, and New year's Eve and day. Those are my days off, and I get to work my scheduled holidays, getting paid twelve hours of holiday pay as well as twelve hours overtime pay, for four days! At least I'll have a little extra coin going into the new year.
I don't get holiday pay and only work 3 days a week, but the company I work for did a STUPID *** trick. "We" get all day Christmas eve and Christmas day off, but THEY ARE WORKING NEW YEARS DAY. Not only is this fairly ChickenShi** but I predict A: Not many will come in "after the night before" and those that do "will not do much." I will likely lose a day or two this holiday, as it's more fun just to take another off than "make it up" with a screwed schedule.
Government employee here. I get Christmas and New Years Day. I could take more, but it's a great time of year to get a bunch of stuff done in the quiet office.
I'll be off Christmas day for sure .............................................then every day thereafter since I've been retired for the last 10 years!!:rofl: I used to hate having to work during the Xmas season, now I enjoy every single day watching every Xmas show ever made!!

I worked Thanksgiving and Christmas day for the last several years, to give my employees off. I retired last year, so now I take them all off.
I worked a $640 day long ago. Started a bigass concrete pour the day before Thanksgiving, finished at 6am Thanksgiving morning. Can you say expensive concrete? :rolleyes: It suited me just fine, I didn't get to go to the catered company lunch the day before:lol:. They generally had better sense at Christmas time, and I still got beat out of that lunch :rofl:
I crew changed on today and get off the boat on the 7th of January. No days off this year for the holidays.
I run the cleaning contract at a large cotton mill. The mill is shut down for two weeks except for some maintenance guys.

I think we're going to take off Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve and Day. I sure need the time off!!
Being semi-retired, I have the luxury of setting my own work schedule, more-or-less. No work for me from the 24th through the 29th, then just one day before JAN 2. There's nothing not to like about being retired. Work part time, on whatever days you feel like, etc.
Probably Tuesday and Wednesday. I think I'm gonna go in Tuesday though. We're doing a paint job on a 62 Corvette. The chassis, engine transmission and drive train were restored like 20 years ago and the car sat. Now It's my job to wake it up, so I'm going in to prime the engine, tune it up, probably rebuild the carburetor and bust it off to make sure everything is good.
I have the same setup as Ddaddy, work my own schedule and the official company holidays are irrelevant to me. I'm thinking about taking the 22nd to the 5th off. Grandkids to visit and my Barracuda won't put itself together.
I don't hafta but I'm gonna ....

Great opportunity to get some OT time in and get some work done because the office won't be full of people asking me stupid questions and distracting me.
Christmas day. But I had vacation and P-time they cant take from me or roll over so I took every Wednesday off in December for Advent services and still ended up with one vacation day left so I took today too. Its so hectic around Christmas with events and parties that I actually like to work.
My main gig, last day was Dec 6th. There was work that had to be submitted and finished by the 13th.

Mine was done by the 12th and submitted.

The side gig, we're off the 23rd 24th and 25th. They are buying lunch for everyone at a nice place on the 23rd and we're expected to be there.
Since they're closing up for good in Jan I'll make time for that.
Paid holidays for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day :thumbsup:. Not even sure about New Years. I think I have to work New Years Eve and I'm second shift, so get off at 11:10...I suspect they might let us roll out early.
I work in a college. Technically I only get Christmas day off. The instructors get 3 weeks off.. I took the first half of Christmas week off.
I got 12/24, 26, 26, but have some vacation to “use or lose” so I’m off from 12/20 until 1/2! But, will probably be working on the kitchen remodel not my car