Girl Born With No Brain.....

I thought this was going to be another blonde joke..... sorry.
It is truely sad but you have to believe that God has kept her alive for a reason. I had a coworker who had a daughter born with this condition. I think possibly a bit more of her brain had developed but it was the same sceneario. The doctors didn't expect her to live but she has survived and must be somewhere in that age range 6-8 years old.
What's the point?
Sorry, but if the goal was to aquire a HUGE medical expense and still have not even close to a daughter then success I guess.
If that were my kid, she wouldn't have ever gone on life support.

It sucks, but still.
What's the point?
Sorry, but if the goal was to aquire a HUGE medical expense and still have not even close to a daughter then success I guess.
If that were my kid, she wouldn't have ever gone on life support.

It sucks, but still.

im not sure that she is on life support, sounds like basic functions are fine... so i think she is not like a vegetable
No offense to anyone here. This is only my personal believe, but I couldn't bring myself to keep my child on a ventilator. Nor would I want to be kept on one any longer than it takes for family to say goodbye. I also didn't think it was possible to live without your brain. That's news to me
looks like all she has is the brain stem..

i don't know. poor kid is a prisoner in her own body. i don't think i would want to be kept alive if i was like that. some doctors/care givers are making a lot of money off that little girl.

"The brain stem is a part of the nervous system that controls autonomic functioning like the trigger to breathe and maintain blood pressure and things like that," Bambakidis told "It’s possible to have those autonomic functions still active without having the cerebral cortex, the part that (Kaliysha) is missing, which controls the higher functioning things like personality, memory and speech working."
God has a special place reserved for her in his house. He said the least of these will be first....Bill
looks like all she has is the brain stem..

i don't know. poor kid is a prisoner in her own body. i don't think i would want to be kept alive if i was like that. some doctors/care givers are making a lot of money off that little girl.

She's not a prisoner, because there is no "she" just a mass of living tissue.
No cognitive functions, no memory functions.
So really, there is no poor kid and never was.
She's not a prisoner, because there is no "she" just a mass of living tissue.
No cognitive functions, no memory functions.
So really, there is no poor kid and never was.

I agree. In a way, the only thing that's sad is how it's dragged down the parents for this long. I can't believe they didn't pull the plug at birth!.....and I'm pretty much a "pro-life" type of guy. But I find it hard to believe there's even any spark of life there why was any time, money or effort ever expended?
^ I also find it hard to believe that "the doctor told her to take a picture of her belly because that would be the last time she would be alive".
I clicked the link expecting to see this..


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This is a travesty! That is not living. She should have been allowed do die with dignity at birth!
She's not a prisoner, because there is no "she" just a mass of living tissue.
No cognitive functions, no memory functions.
So really, there is no poor kid and never was.

We have a winner.

There is no "want" or decision, or knowledge, at all.

Living, it's no different than a plant. Life? Yeah. It's life. It's living, but this is without any human logic, by nature.

I wouldn't have hesitated pulling the plug from the get-go.

The way I see it is that the genetic structure was supposed to have life sustained with a human brain, which is completely compromised, so the quality of life is completely diminished.

There is absolutely no way of knowing if the life sustained is in pain. I doubt it, but I also don't think the stress on her family is worth the trouble, nor does it create any ethical boundaries to remove sustaining and continuing artificially.

The only reason she is alive is because others interfered with her death.