Well-Known Member
Well, I'll probably be on line a little less now, I'm heading back to my martial arts (Aikido) class. I had an accident almost 2 years ago and had 2 knee scopes done in 6 months. I was diagnosed with a torn meniscus, 1st doctor goes in and didn't do anything, he claimed that it was a torn ACL. So he ordered a $1K brace, put me through 5 weeks therapy and sent me on my way. I was completely unhappy. So I saw a second Doctor closer to work, He felt that it wasn't an ACL, but went in anyway. After the surgery I was informed that it WAS a meniscus and cut the torn piece out. A year since the last scope and it's still stiff but I'm going back and starting off slowly. So between work/OT, working on the Dart, class twice a week and taking care of things at home because my wife works and takes classes for her next degree. I always plannned on going back and getting to Shodan. :thumrigh: 8)