Got a brick through my window last night...



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2010
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Apparently my son whom I kicked out a few weeks ago,owes someone money. Time for Cameras and GUNS. Any suggestions.....
where at in va. richmond? roanoke? lynchburg? lol
Fredericksburg area.

This was out front...


maybe it was your son, and he left that message to throw you off.
I have a pretty nice camera system at my house and am using 6 cameras, all with night vision. Go here to check out the products

A friend of mine owns the company based in Atlanta. If you like what you see, let me know and I can get you a 25 to 30% discount. I would recommend getting the DVR with HDMI output so you can view on your TV without much work. The box is also network ready to view over the internet or home network.
A buddy of mine was having neighbor problems and installed a system similar to what Chameleon posted above. Good infrared cameras, everything was backed up to a hard drive that he could review and he could access it from the internet when he was away. I think he spent about $2500 for all the cameras and HD unit.

Might just be cheaper to pay the kid that he owes!!! Then kick his *** for breakin your window.
Time for Cameras and GUNS. Any suggestions.....

A 12-gauge Remington 870 Tactical or AR-15. :toothy10:

Fredericksburg area.

This was out front...


Apparently it took him some time to find enough sticks to make the message. Roughly about the time it takes to load up a magazine, and greet him outside. :-D

Did you ask your son about it yet?
Put a sign in the front yard...

"Hey Punk, he don't live here any more"
Leave them a note to knock on your door and you will pay the money your son owes. Then when you open the door wax their asses. Not really, I like the camera idea.
Apparently my son whom I kicked out a few weeks ago,owes someone money. Time for Cameras and GUNS. Any suggestions.....

I have 7 video cameras on my property. Got video of two locals stealing items from our yard late last fall & turned it over to local police. The 2 guys faces are clearly shown on the video. I even know where one works & have the tag number of the car they left in. Nothing was done about it. Invest in guns.
I have 7 video cameras on my property. Got video of two locals stealing items from our yard late last fall & turned it over to local police. The 2 guys faces are clearly shown on the video. I even know where one works & have the tag number of the car they left in. Nothing was done about it. Invest in guns.
Same thing here. gave cops the video, plain as day. Nothing ever done about it.
rock salt. Cant blame em for being pissed if they are owed. Have some fun with them but dont kill them. Would be different if they had drive byed ya or firebombed you.
i was having trouble with windows being broken on one of my rental properties while vacant and working on it here in va. i put up a video camera on a tripod and caught 2 kids throwing rocks on it. called cops and they went to local school, someone id'ed kids and they pulled them from class and went right to their parents and had them contact me to pay for damages.
Something about the sticks screams 18 year old punk! I always keep my Mossberg 500 handy just for assholes and if you were lucky enough to get em in the sights you could always do your best Clint Eastwood impression "Get off my lawn", Security systems don't deter punks and certaintly don't deter mainstream theives.