Greetings and salutations



ronin phantom
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
I've recently acquired a surprisingly clean 1973 Dart Swinger. It's a 318/904 car that was owned by an elderly fellow. There's some controversy as to whether it's got 5,000 miles on the clock or 105,000. I'd lean toward the latter. It's just more reasonable.

My current intent is to do some cleanup work and make it a nice driver. The obligatory performance/efficiency mods (4-bbl, decent exhaust, etc.) are waiting for funds. As in my past endeavors, intent tends to change upon reaching goals. It's hard to say where I'll end up with this thing. Luckily, I take more interest in the journey than the destination.

I'll throw some pictures up shortly.
Welcome Dok, you don't mind if I call ya Dok do ya. Whether you decide to keep her stock or go for the jugular you'll find plenty of help and info here and some thought provoking "general discussion" stuff also.

Thank you kindly. I've been called far worse things. :yawinkle:

I look forward to learning tons of stuff and (hopefully) passing on some useful information when I can.
Welcome to the best A-body site on the web! You'll never be at a loss for assistance from the fine people here.
Welcome. I have a 73 Valiant 318/904. The clock is showing only 9200 miles.
thats 309200 ! If there is anything to boost about in her reaarview mirror it would be the everyredy bunny LOL Happy moparing :)
Welcome doktor x!
Clean that 73 up and enjoy these great people here at this great site.
Yep!! the best of the best are here.:thumbrig: