header help

Get'em, there the ones I used in the Duster project. They work with P/S. I also went to a floor shifter.
They'll work as well.
In my exper. between the 2 brands, Hookers fit better. But also note that I have had ethier one fit better than the other at any given time on any car. I have had 4 A bodies so far. The Hooker fit the best, but not allways perfect. The headmans have been in my exper. such a close second place finish fit to the Hookers, you'd need a photo finish to see the winner.

I would not fret over a purchase of ethier of these two headers.
I think you need to look at the pictures and read the discriptions on the parts before you ask the questions.
P/S ok.

Hooker is part of Holley. Click here and do some looking around. ;http://www.holley.com/index.asp?division=Hooker
Headman is still by themselfs. Click here and do some looking around. http://www.hedman.com/ :thumbup: Have fun doing some research at there sites. Don't stop at your answer. Look around.