I'm looking to buy a set of headers for my 63 valiant with a 273,And was wondering which is the best choice,Hooker #5208 or Doug #450 or TTI 636a,And the easiest to put on and work the best.Thank's for any help
We are right in the middle of installing TTI in my 63 valiant but with 360 engine. We do know that the torsion bars need go through the headers. Will be posting pictures soon I hope. We did not have a lot of selection for this - only TTI and Dougs that we could find and Dougs was serious backorder IIRC.
Just installed a set of dougs in my 66 Dart. The left side rides on the paint??? going to try to slide the engine over a bit??? It is sitting on a Hemi Denny K member. Had stock exhaust before. Anyone put Dougs in an early a with a 318?? Help and input is appreciated!