Heater/AC selector bezel.



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Gray, GA
How do you remove the bezel around the heater/AC selector? I've tried pulling on it thinking it was held on by clips, but she won't budge. Thanks,

Kevin B.
Shine a light up under the dash. There's about 4 or 6 speed nuts to remove. :cheers:
OK, I guess I'll have to remove the radio as well then, since the radio is below it. Thanks.
I don't know exactly which type of bezel you have, but you shouldn't have to remove the radio. Just pull the radio knobs and nuts and the bezel should slide off after you have removed the speed nuts behind the dash.
This bezel circled in the photo. The bulb in the selector has fallen out and I want to place it back in its holder to illuminate the panel.

Different type bezel.....give me a minute.

I think with that type of bezel, those little chrome selector knobs are held on with a small allen set screw on the bottom. Remove the knobs first. Then, I believe there are 2 nuts behind the panel that hold the assembly in place.
you can remove the glovebox and access it from there. 2 3/8 nuts hold the controls on to the plate, there are small allen set screws holding the ends on the slide arms on the outside, and they have to be removed to remove the bezel.
if all you are doing is replacing the bulb you can access it from the glovebox side as well
On ALL of that particular type bezel, to the left and right of the control section, on the BACK of the bezel, are 2 STUDS.......they're held tight with NUTS......not speed nuts.....regular hex nuts..........The speed nuts go around the edges, unless someone has already removed them.........

After the radio is out, you can access the nuts from underneath if your hands and wrists aren't too big.........they're a pain........But they're there, and you have to deal with them. If your glove box is apart, it's easy from the right side........and if the dash cluster is out, the same from the left.......But if not, you gotta stand on your head and go through the bottom of the dash, with the radio removed.

I've done MANY of these dashes.........all the same.