Heater Hose Plumbing



Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
West Sacramento, CA
Does anyone know how the heater hoses on a 68 Dart with AC are plumbed? The diagram in the FSM isn't very clear. I think the passenger side heater core hose barb goes to the water valve then fitting on the intake manifold and the DS barb goes straight to the water pump. Is that correct??

Yes that is correct. Or at least that is exactly how my 68 val is done. Looks exactly like your pic too. It also stands to reason because the inlet side of the heater core (passenger side barb) will take its water from where it is the hottest, which is the intake manifold just before the water goes back into the radiator.


Great. Thanks!

Question- Does it even matter which end of the heater core is the inlet and outlet?
Great. Thanks!

Question- Does it even matter which end of the heater core is the inlet and outlet?

Really no. The only thing to pay attention to is if you are using the water valve, that should be the "hot" side. B/c of the placement of the water valve, the pass side barb is easier to route the hose as it isn't crossing the outlet hose. Other than that it doesn't matter much.


Mechanics general rule of thumb, hoses don't cross. Ports closest to fender go together. In some cases the 2 hoses are different sizes. That has to do with pressure, volume, expansion.
I wouldn`t think the hose hook ups make any diff. as long as the shut off valve is in the heater feed side.