Help! Do I cut it out??



live free or die
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Weare,New Hampshire
Heres a picture of what i have. I'm changing My Duster over to a 4 speed ..Anyway I cut the hole in the floor to attach the hump and the cross member is there... I'm guessing it stays and the shift and linkage will fit around it??? OR do I cut it out? I really don't have a clue. If I had the tranny I could find out for myself,But I don't and I'll be painting soon and and I want it done before I paint.

duster 062 (Small).jpg
I'm pretty sure you don't cut the cross member, i think the shift rods go over top of it. I don't have a 4sp yet, so i'm just going off of everything i have read
Like HawaiiDuster says - do not cut the Xmember.

2 pics attached... linkage in the car and out for your reference.


DartLinkage (Small).jpg

DoneLinkage (Small).jpg
On my 65 you have to notch it out about 1/4" in a 4" section.
Don't cut the x member. It's there for support. The 1-2 and 3-4 rods go above the x-member and the reverse rod goes under the x-member as in the pics above. I'd wait and dry fit the bell, trans, x-member, shifter, rods, and hump before you paint. Once in place, you'll know exactly where the hump should be welded in. I recently installed a 4 gear in my 69 Dart and that hole just doesn't look big enough.
it takes a real man to cut one up LOL just buy a real 4-speed car ,problem solved8)
On my 65 you have to notch it out about 1/4" in a 4" section.

I've got a 65 Barracuda 273 factory 4 speed and the crossmember isn't notched. Also parted out a 65 Signet slant 6 factory 4 speed and it wasn't notched either. Might have to be notched when using later year stuff?
Here is a picture of a notched tranny cross member from a 4 speed car. Every 4 speed I have ever seen has been notched it this spot, some more some a little less notched. This floor is from a 64 Dart, my 64 dart was notched, the 66 barracuda I parted out was notched, a 65 valiant I recently parted out was notched. In fact every early 4 speed I have ever looked at was notched. Dartman if you have one that isnt notched I like to see a picture
