Help! Engine swap complete but tranny won't shift right...



Active Member
Jun 7, 2012
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Hey everyone!

The stock 273 in my Barracuda 1966 broke down last year, and I've just swapped it for a slightly newer 318. Everything went surprisingly good, with drive pinion length and what not. But now I've run into some trouble. =(

The problem is that the drive shaft won't turn at all, even with the clutch down, and the only gears I can shift into seem to be 3rd and 4th. What is the likely problem, and the best solution? Worth mentioning is that I didn't fixate anything or put anything in neutral position when reinstalling the linkage, I just connected them as they were before. Could it be that easy, that all I need to do is as the service manual says: (1) **** into neutral (2) insert lever through slots in levers (3) adjust length of control rods (4) install... or is it likely something else is wrong?

If I do have to open the gearbox up to fix the problem, can this be done from the side while it's connected and the car is lifted up or do I have to take it out again?

I also have one last question. It was hard getting the clutch housing bore runout completely aligned. I've read different numbers of maximum offset, and the service manual says .008 is maximum reading. I've got it to approximately 0.010 offset, is this a big problem? It seems that the factory offset also was about 0.010 offset already (but in a different direction, lol), and it's definitely not a high performance engine in front of it...

I welcome your expertise, and hopefully you can give me the help I need to fix these problems next time I go to the garage!

And btw, if you are wondering, the oil pan in the picture below did not fit at all! :D


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Fixed this problem easy enough. I was gonna disconnect all the linkage from the levers and fixate shifter as the service manual suggests, so I started with the lower one. Noticed it was in gear, so I snapped it out and reconnected the linkage and it now works fine.

Still wondering about the bore runout tough...