Gerry Holmes
Well-Known Member
does anyone know the torque for the new 727 pan gasket #P2464324AC? i've been going nuts trying to seal my 727, which you'd think any idiot could do it, thus i've proved that wrong. tried with original pan (checked for squareness, and flattened bolts holes) 1. with rubber gasket and weather stripping adhesive on the pan and dry on the 727 side. 2. high temp silicon, both sides. 3. new pan, weather stripping adhesive on the pan, silicon on the 727 side. and finally with the #P2464324AC, with nothing on it and torqued to 150" pounds (which is what the parts guy told me) but maybe that was for the old cork gasket. also i made sure that nothing was leaking down from the usual places (shift shaft seal, throttle pressure shaft seal, cooling lines, neutral switch, filler tube or speedo cable!) and checked mating surface of the 727. each time the leak changed location, but was definately from the edge of the pan. seemed like 150" pounds was to tight for the new reusable gasket. thanks for any help Gerry