Help needed to get a drag strip on long island!!!!!!!!!



Dec 2, 2008
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Long Island
Anybody living in the NY,Conn,NJ tri state area or the Northeast must have gone to NEW YORK NATIONAL SPEEDWAY or HAMPTON RACEWAY at one time or another
.Well they are now long gone and this present chance to try and get a motorsports park here on Long Island might be our last.So pleeeeeeeeeeeese,if there is something YOU can do,or if you know someone that lives in theses parts,pass the link.Just tell 'em HEMI-ITIS sent ya
and thanks for looking at this link

HEMI-ITIS has no cure. My condition is fully BLOWN!!!Lookin for 8's with ARC POWER!!!!!!!!>**The TOAD has been TOWED!**<
I used to go to National fairly often back in the day. LI sucks bone now. Too many people, too high taxes, and everybody has a say in what you do. That is why I left in 1994. Good luck in trying to get a drag strip on LI. You, know, that sport is very politically incorrect there nowadays.
LI wouldnt even let them build a NASCAR track

Thank God.....

I'm giving you a bump here Al. I know you've been banging the drum on several forums for this to happen. I myself would love to see a drag strip, but the soul-less money grabbers that have inhabited Long Island real estate would never let it happen.And never mind the zoning and environmental impact.

Unless, of course, it's another Golf course where the THOUSANDS of gallons of chemicals to maintain the grass would be OK in our ground water.......
As I recall, condos and apartments were built right up to the National Speedway property. Who would have guessed that the new occupants began complaining about the noise. Of course, the property taxes went sky high on LI. I guess the owners cut their losses and sold the property for more than they could have earned as a race track. Bummer.
Aside from National Speedway there was the closing of Bridgehampton out on the East end of the Island.

The history that track had.... incredible. And now it's gone, so we can have yet another Country Club golf course. The argument back when it closed was the harm to the environment the track was. Then they discovered the ground water being contaminated from all the lawn maintenance was worst than the motor sports emissions.

<< Citing the history of polluted wells surrounding the nearby Noyac Golf Club, residents and the Group for the South Fork pointed out that golf course chemicals threatened the drinking water. Bumper stickers - NOISE POLLUTION IS TRANSIENT--WATER POLLUTION IS FOREVER sprouted on cars. In a rare pairing of environmentalists and racers, lawsuits were filed against the golf course plan by the Group for the South Fork and BRHG. >>

<sigh...> The irony is almost funny.

BTW: The next time your cruising down Pension or Texas Rd. headed for E-Town, look at how the new luxury housing developments are creeping up on the track. It's just a matter of time before it starts there next....... :angry7:
Thanks for the bump John.I went to Riverhead with the LIMA group and we did infact get to speak with the town supervisor.Long story short,the property is in contract to be sold.The closing has been pushed off several times.They have untill December to close on the property or it will go back up on the market.The super also reccomended that the attorneys for LIMA to contact the attorney that represents the buyer with the sports complex proposal.The indoor ski mountain idea is dead and now they are thinking casino since the naitive indians are now being approved with thier plight.The town super said no way would a casino get approved.Who knows:angry7::angry7: