Help with schoolwork please!



Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Poconos, PA
So I am taking this business class and one of my assignments was to send out a survey (topic of my choice) analyze the results then prepare a presentation of the results to the class...followed up by a paper.

So I am asking for some help here. My topic is "green energy". I prepared my survey online and am asking if you could please take this survey for me. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete. All you have to do is click (or copy & paste) on the link and answer the questions and hit 'submit'. The survey is completely anonymous. I really need to get about 50 people to take the survey to have enough data to analyze.

I really appreciate this guys & gals.

Here is the link:

Done. But I have to agree with 'mopar head', most of your questions are too general.
Thanks to those who took it so far! Yeah, I would have to agree that some were quite general but the professor didn't want any that were very wordy or would be subject to interpretation. He wanted to review all our questions before we sent them and didn't have an issue...

But your feedback is definitely appreciated!
Maybe has project is really- how many "online" people can you get to do something just because you ask them?
Maybe has project is really- how many "online" people can you get to do something just because you ask them?

LOL...I hate to disappoint you but my survey is for real but that would be a good research project. I'll use that one next time!
Took it.. Your questions need refined.. like "Oil" is it cheaper to produce because we have the technology in place and can depend on our own along with drilling in our own country?.. Or solar panels that China produces and holds all of the raw materials we have to buy from them.. True or False?

By the way the answer is True for both...
Good Luck hope ya get an "A"
Took the survey. Doing this reminds me of how much I hated college. Glad it's over. Forget the people who have comments. If your professor OK'd it then youve done what you needed to do. The only person you need to please by this is him or her. Good luck.
Tell your teacher that "Green Energy" doesn't work. In addition, the "Green Energy" that does work, isn't cost effective. Oil and coal has been and will be the answer for generations to come. That's giving it to you straight, no BS. That's the real world, not what you'll find in your text book. Just trying to help you. MMG