Hey guys!



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Virginia Beach Va.
Whats up guys. Well as most of you, I am in a rush to get my car back together before the really good weather hits and I am bummed for not gettin' off my rear and finishing stuff this winter!
So I am trying to get the impossible done. I really desperately need somebody to give me some quality measurements of the 3 brackets to hold the floor shifter and the console up.
I am a designer and use Autodesk Inventor daily and have the resources to remake these brackets to as accurate as the dimensions I recieve.

I am mainly interested in the bracket that the shifter mounts to. Anyhow if anyone is willing to do this for me It would be incredibly appreciated, and possibly compensated? I have looked all over and cant find any cars around my area to take the measurements from.
Thx guys Donnie
How did you manage that? You need a bracket to mount the shifter on. I wont have so much of a problem making the console brackets they are pretty basic. The shifter bracket is more complicated. This is why I am looking for really good measurements.
At work I have access to top of the line equipment and can easily produce extremely high quality parts, I just need the measurements. The parts if I can get them designed, will be laser cut and bent in a normal press brake. Hopefully someone is willing to help me out. Thx guys.