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I have a new (out of the box) Melling High volume M66HV oil pump for my 1965 225 slant six. I installed the pump in my engine, that has a new Hughes High lift racing cam, using the proper bolt torque (200 inch pounds) and moly paste on the gear. The cam shaft is not connected to the crank so I can spin the cam shaft. As the cam is turned it feels as if the cam gear and the pump gear are "binding" in one spot. It is free for about 270 degrees, and then gets hard to turn until it passes that one spot and becomes free again. I pulled the pump and installed the old pump. The cam and pump turn real smooth with no issues. Something else to add. The original pump housing is cast aluminum and the new Melling pump is cast iron, it also has one less bolt hole than the original pump. I'm building this engine pretty much in line with the "Doug Dutra book." His book recommends using the drive gear off of the old pump, as there has been gear failures on the after market pumps. What say you all???