Holley experts, flooding after siting/ gas dribbling



Well-Known Member
May 11, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hey guys , so my 750 vacuum secondaries runs great but after driving it and turning it off, the next day it’s a ***** to start, i can smell gas under the hood, I can see the throttle blades are wet, and also noticed that the accelerator pump is wet as well. I have set the floats with the car running, clean fuel, etc what do you guys think! I might have a small tear in the accelerator pump that leaking fuel thru the carburetor after shut off?

These pictures are from this morning 1030 Am last time a drove it and parked was 12 hours prior







there also is a extra washer, on the pump arm, but it is adjusted correctly I just put it to have a stiffer spring
Maybe bad needle and seat? Or dirt stuck there? Gas in one of the floats? Just spit balling. Check your oil level. Gas could be running into your crankcase.
12 hrs later gas should have evaporated off the tp's. Could be oil soaked. Where is your PCV connected ? Which leads to where is your dist vac connected? My dist vac is at the front metering plate pass side. Your PCV should be at the rear carb base.

By the way, the nipple at the dist vac port looks cracked.
Maybe bad needle and seat? Or dirt stuck there? Gas in one of the floats? Just spit balling. Check your oil level. Gas could be running into your crankcase.
No gas in crankcase, checked needle and seats, the rear has a new float, I’ll double check the front float. I did trim that little rubber plug that you pull thru right above the accelerator plunger. It looked like it would interfere with the primary bowl float. I’ll post a picture
12 hrs later gas should have evaporated off the tp's. Could be oil soaked. Where is your PCV connected ? Which leads to where is your dist vac connected? My dist vac is at the front metering plate pass side. Your PCV should be at the rear carb base.

By the way, the nipple at the dist vac port looks cracked.
You know what I’ll double check me pcv valve, it’s connected to the rear, the v can is plugged on this engine, I did notice that plug is cracked I will replace it.
I trimmed the excess of the pump check valve because it was touching the float. Maybe I shouldn’t of
