You need to go visit and A number of people have done it that are on those two forums.
It's not a trival task but if you have decent fabrication skills it very doable. The basic steps for a simple blow threw system are;
1. modify the exhaust manifold so you can mount the turbo.
2. modify the exhaust to mate to the turbo outlet.
3. fabricate tubing from the compressor outlet to the carb.
4. modify the carb so it's boost referenced.
5. modify the fuel pump so it's boost referenced.
6. tap into the oiling system of the engine and run a line to the turbo bearings.
7. tap into the oil pan for a oil return from the trubo bearings.
8. reroute a heater hose through the turbo bearing housing.
Once you have accomplished that then it's a matter of fiddling with the carb tuning and timing to get the engine running well.