How much does my Duster weigh???



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2008
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Tampa Fla.
I am looking into possibly buying an enclosed car trailer. The trailer I am looking at has a GVW of 7000lbs. The trailer is about 3400 itself. They told me I could upgrade to a 5200lb axle which would bump the GVW to 10,000lbs for more money. Question is will the 7000lb trailer do the job?
im no trailer expert but that is very heavy for a trailer that can only haul 3600 pounds i had a good heavy duty trailer that only weighd 2000 and could hall just as mutch, thats a lot of extra weight to pull around. thats just my opinion lets see what every body else has to say well i goofed i thought that was an open trailer o well
Put the bigger axles on an enclosed.

Get 16" tires too. the 15" stuff will likely be taxed to maximum
Well mine weighs an exact 3200. I would think about if you ever wanted to tow anything else though too. The trailer will work though.
I have three A-body cars. I would only be hauling one at a time of course.