How to sell a parts car??



Early A-body Valiants
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
eastern, PA and central Florida
I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I am trying to sell an early a body, a 1963 2 door post Valiant, that is quite rusty and hasn't been on the road in over 10 years but has a lot of good parts on it, and I have no interest in it other than some people wanting to get in it and drive it away.
I took pictures of the car as it sits in the woods, but should I tow it someplace else and clean up the car just to sell it as a parts car? I was asking $500 for the car and then came down to $400 and really don't want to go lower. The car is complete except for the front seat. Most people basically have no interest in it. I even have individual parts off it advertised. Is there no interest in 63 Valiants? What am I doing wrong? I'd rather sell the car then crush it.
My problem is that I'm only in Pennsylvania for a few weeks out of the year. I am trying to get rid of most of what I have in Pennsylvania so that it doesn't have to be stored here anymore. I don't have the time to stay around and part it out. I can take some parts off now and take them with me.
Seems like there's a lot of activity on Facebook for early A & early Valiants
Where in PA?

It is located in Lehighton PA, and if you are in Harrisburg, Lehighton is about an hour and a half east of you. I could deliver within a couple of hours, I just want to make sure I get payment for it and don't waste time delivering.
I cannot send p.m. to you right now for some reason.. When you get a chance send me a PM.