How to tell different transmissions?



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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Ok so i was at a local u-pull-it and saw a 85 Chrysler GranFury 318. I know these cars did have the A727 option with them but wonder how do you tell the difference between a A904, A999, and the A727. Im pretty sure its not a A904 because i have one on my 75 Duster and it just looks totally different. And if its an A727 i will get it in a couple of weeks and put it in my Duster if it will fit a 360 from a 318.


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Ok so i was at a local u-pull-it and saw a 85 Chrysler GranFury 318. I know these cars did have the A727 option with them but wonder how do you tell the difference between a A904, A999, and the A727. Im pretty sure its not a A904 because i have one on my 75 Duster and it just looks totally different. And if its an A727 i will get it in a couple of weeks and put it in my Duster if it will fit a 360 from a 318.

This may be a little help, it's all i've got right now. One of the other members can probably speak to interchange issues......years, flexplate, converter and balancing. Good luck to you, Rick


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Ok ill look for the stamp next time im there i know for a fact its not a 904 so i may go ahead and get it since the flexplate i have is for the 727 and 904.