How'd ya like the earthquake?

Yeah, I felt it. Set things shaking here in Beverly Hills, but just a gentle rolling by the time it hit here.
I was standing in line at the post office and thought I was losing my balance at first. Then one of the clerks said, "Hey, we're having an earthquake." Most of the people there (north OC) didn't feel it.
I got home and the first thing my wife says is, "Did you feel the earthquake?" She was on the pot when it hit. She said her first clue was the shower doors started rattling, then it swayed pretty good.
LOL!! Sittin' on the pot! Where do you go from there? And how quickly?
BTW, the US Geological Service has now downgraded it to 5.4. Still a good shaker if you're close enough to it.
I think Wade and I are pretty close. I was ~25 miles from the epicenter.

Shook pretty good.
barely felt it in Ontario, CA while at work. Was sitting at my computer checking traffic before I shut down the test I was running for the day and felt a bit of a wiggle, then a little stronger wiggle. Then the VP of the company came running in to make sure none of the test equipment exploded on me, she was suprised when I said I barely felt it.
Of course my mom called almost immediately freaking out, and she barely felt it too.
I was under the Cuda when it hit, (my luck) I had to go home and change my pants.