"HWY 401 Parade" to Moparfest 2011


Sport 360

Oct 31, 2010
Reaction score
Wouldn't it be really something to get as many cars as possible to form a line on the 401 heading to St Jacobs for Moparfest on August 20th ??
I'm sure if it started east of Toronto, as it progressed accross the city the number of cars would be amazing by the time it passed the west end.
Once the word is spread around and more people get involved, I think it would be a really great turnout and fun drive.
Is anyone up for giving this a try ??

No harm in asking :dontknow:
if i dont hook up with Mt Nemo and the athers post a time when you are leaving and ill waIT ALONG THE hwy for the group to pass and join in.
I talked to a couple guys tonight that want to leave from Ajax by about 6:30 am. I know thats early but we'll be just cruzing easy and want to get there for a good spot and also be able to watch and hear the cars come in.
A couple of the other cars will be a 440 six pak Super Bee and a 70 RT Charger, I'll be in the Orange Dart Sport 360.