I Finally Found One!!!!

Nice Kev. You had me all excited about something cool and then bam! I take it you're a Back to the Future fan?!!!
I like the response that a guy went back and seen some dinosaurs.

Evil you so funny :toothy10:
blinker fluid was pulled from the shelves last year.:-D
I use Pam know8)
WOW. Someone is finally selling Blinker Fluid. Everytime my wife goes to the gas station they are always out. I'm gonna have to pick up a case for her.


Damn looks like there are sold out!!!

I'm gonna order the O Pipe for may Dart.


Do you think I'll see any real gains with it? Price doesn't seem bad either

The O-pipe is hilarious! I know someone's looking at it & scratching their head.
Wonder if this will work on shoulders to?
If you hook it to the nos button at the track,
you could win the race and be loaded on the trailer before
the other car hit the traps!
I worked in a Mercedes/Toyota parts department years ago and Mercedes actually lists a muffler bearing, it's a rubber mount for exhaust pipes.
Gotta say that outfit has the best selection of hard to find auto accessories I've seen in a while!
You'll get a lot better performance if it's hook in series with the turbulator valve.