I need help deciding still...



Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
74 duster is what i have..........i want it to stand out and be different.......what color should i go for...
A) Pink
B) Lime Green
D) Purple....Top two are the ones i'm really deciding on .............was leaning towards Pink...but now i'm standing straighter now.........i just need moral support i suppose..................now i'm thinking lime green because it will stand out and i won't get made fun of... :scratch: :shaking: Also i would like pictures of the colors on ebods or abods or any mopar for that matter...thanks.
Yup i heard yours already...lol..i do worry abotu what other people think because it will be a badddddddddddddd deal if the rumor i'm gay gets spread.....which i'm not gay by the way...just to clarify that..... :D
Six pack is right,it's YOUR car paint the color you want not what other's want or you won't be satisfied with it in the end!

But if i had to choose it would be Lime green or Orange. My 2cents :D
I vote for Lime Green. Become the greenie boy. I'm not certain you can handle the "pinkie boy" syndrone. :scratch:
people gave me a hard time about the color of my car, aqua, at first.
three years later the same people are now telling me how cool the car looks this color. that they never seen a car this color before . dont go by what people say or think. they don't know what they like or dislike. the color of your car is personal preference. you have to live with it. tell them all to kiss your :bootysha:
I like PURPLE!! Actually, Hawaiian Orchid is the color. Not the best picture. I got a better picture 2 weeks ago, but it is on my computer at home, and that computer was taken in to be fixed on monday, and I haven't gotten it back yet..
man... lime green, panther pink doesnt really suit dusters IMO... except that killer 340 duster set up for drag... that one does look good in pink and black. but Pink and Black are emo colors. but anyway, i think lime green with the black or white stripe w/ engine callout would be sweet, just as sweet with just the stripe and no callout.

<- .02
man, paint it whatever you want to, but if you ask, I suggest Tor Red (71 color v2) Awesome on a Duster, but not a true 74 color.

PS my color is simply red and its a little boring. Oh well, I've said enough...
I don't think anyone would be calling you gay for painting you car any of theose colors, now if you painted it "All" of those colors is a different story. :D
NOT PURPLE!!!!!!...just kidding :lol: ...do what i did.i built MY car the way I wanted it!!!!

I think i'm just going to go with Lime green with some black stripes...i was wanting to put AAR Stripes on the side then have it say AAR Duster but i don't know where i can get decals for the duster because i'm sure the Cuda stripes won't fit. If i get a Cuda i'll probably paint it Pink then i'll have both colors.