I simply HATE these new computer operating systems!!!!!!



FABO Vendor
FABO Vendor
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Lakewood, WA
These new operating systems for computers now-a-days simply blows chunks!!!!! :BangHead:

I do NOT need to be "prompted" into what the next words I'm going to type might be....I can decide all for myself Thank You very little!!!!!

So I understand the new politically correct term for "AI" is "artificial intelligence".......to me, it's just plain "automated ignorance"....

Now.....back to my regularly scheduled insanity....:lol:
I feel your pain.
Do a search for how to disable "Autofill" on whatever OS you've got. It's one of the first things I do on a laptop, phone, whatever. It's extraordinarily annoying and usually wrong.
Remember, these AIs are being programmed by a generation that doesn't give a hoot about spelling, punctuation, grammar or syntax- so the AI will probably get offended when you disable the program. Just sayin'.
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1- just turn it off

2- AI has always stood for artificial intelligence, that’s not “new” or “politically correct” - it’s literally an abbreviation
I run Linux Operating System on my laptops, no automatic updating.

Nothing happens on the computer unless I give it permission to do so.

Then using the Firefox web browser that comes with the Linux installation you can go in and adjust your security settings.

I have my security settings set to not take in any 3rd party cookies, and clear history when I close out.

Also I go in and shut off any auto complete and and search suggestions.

Windows operating system are constantly looking inside your computers 24/7, not so with Linux it's physically impossible.

Spellcheck needs a grammar lesson.
Yesterday I typed, "I'll be over in a little bit."
Spellcheck changed it to, "I be over in a little bit."
Who is programming the spellcheck?