A few weeks ago I tried to start my 66 Dart after sitting for a month or so during the winter. The battery was dead so I jumped it with a booster pack.
After it started the amp gauge was bouncing off it's peg trying to charge the dead battery. I drove it for 15 min. or so and parked it until today. No crank, no interior lights, no heater blower but it would crank if I jumped the starter relay but no spark. I have power on both ends of the fusable link at the starter relay but nothing getting inside. According to the wiring diagram power goes through the fusable link, through the bulkhead connector to the positive terminal of the ammeter. From there power is sent to the fusebox, ign switch and accessories. When I bought the car the in and out ammeter
leads were hooked together and the gauge was burned out. Now I see why.
Anybody else had this problem? Mike
After it started the amp gauge was bouncing off it's peg trying to charge the dead battery. I drove it for 15 min. or so and parked it until today. No crank, no interior lights, no heater blower but it would crank if I jumped the starter relay but no spark. I have power on both ends of the fusable link at the starter relay but nothing getting inside. According to the wiring diagram power goes through the fusable link, through the bulkhead connector to the positive terminal of the ammeter. From there power is sent to the fusebox, ign switch and accessories. When I bought the car the in and out ammeter
leads were hooked together and the gauge was burned out. Now I see why.
Anybody else had this problem? Mike