Idiots invading my space!!!!!

That is why I back in to spots like this.

Yep. Honestly, what do you expect? Car folks are a dieing breed, just the way it is. To damn near everyone I know an auto is just a tool to get to and from in. Nothing more, nothing less. Dings and such are not much of an issue to them because after a year or two the vehicle just goes away for a new one. In all honesty does not look like you parked all that far away, just a few spots from where every one else was. You need to park ALL the way across the lot as most folks are just to damn lazy to walk that far......
I know exactly what was going through his mind. He parked close to you because your car is pretty cherry. He knew you wouldn't hit your door on his SUV and risk hurting your car. At the same time he was nice and far away from the spot next to him so his drivers side was safe too. If he was alone, then nobody opened the passenger side doors and risked hitting your car.
No Harm-No Foul. It still sucks to come out and see someone parked so close with a ton of other spots around but I would give him the benefit of the doubt. JM2C
I was living in an apartment back in Oklahoma. When I was driving my valiant, there was a damn ford fucus that kept parking so close to it that I couldn't open the drivers door. After confronting them for the 3rd time, they did it again. That time I took a craftsman flathead to their brand new paint.... They made sure to leave me plenty of room after that