im discusted with old guy purists



Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
mount olive,nc
Ok,the other day,an older gent brought a ezgo golf cart for my bro in law to paint.I happen to be there working on my 71 dart,when the guy asked my bro in law,who ruined the darts in your yard here?MY bro in law said,they belong to my bro in law,and hes right there working on it now.Well the guy turned red,because he new i heard him,hell,i was standing less than 5 feet from him.I simply asked the man,sir,why do you think i have ruined my cars?He tells me that if there not 100%original,then they have no value.So i told the guy one of my cars was a 6 cylinder,the other i bought had a lot missing,and wasnt a 340 car,so i dont feel like im destroying a piece of history or any thing.I know there are people that dont like what i do to my cars,especially older folks,thats ok,i dont like how they pretend to restore a car original and then use basecoat clear coat paint on it.That is about as original as my 73 six cylinder dart,that now has 17 inch cobra wheels on it.But i dont tell people there ORIGINAL cars are crappy,were crappy from the factory,and are still crappy because there put back original.I told the guy,if he wanted to waste his money putting the original slant six back in his 69 charger,thats his choice,ill wave as i pass him in my modified 318 dart,that people actually like to see.
I'm with you.

Man, I'll tell ya, some of those people should just really keep their pie holes shut.
Nothing worse than bashing a car that someone put alot of heart and soul into.
Even if you don't like it, at least say something positive.

I learned my lesson the hard way when I was about 15 y/o at a car show.

I made a comment to my brother about a guys junky looking carburetor on top of an extremely polished engine.
I only said something like "Wow, that carb looks crappy on that shiny engine."

Needless to say, the guy snapped and told me it was a backup carb he brought with him because his "shiny" one was acting up.

I just said "Sorry sir, I guess I should have kept my mouth shut", and I kinda slinked away with my tail between my legs.

Yeah, especially now that I know how much work goes into these cars, I always make sure I find something I like about every car I see at a show.

Plus nobody like a jackazz critic.
so i fixed a LOT of cars for folks over time.Sure some of them wanted things i would defintly no do to my own car,like color,or leave the texture in,put runs back like they were(thats harder than you would think)etc,but i never told any one they were ruining there car by the way they were fixing it.I can relate to the crappy carb thing,i got that going on right now.But it was a christmas from my dad years ago,ill never part with it.I do plant to have it chrome powder coated or something.I was just taken by surprise when they guy told me i was ruining a good car,because i wasnt putting it back all original.If it were a 340 car,or even a hemi car,i still would build it my way,no matter what anyone else thinks about that.I would save what i took off it,and prob wouldnt cut it up,but theres not too many cars i ever seen that i think couldnt benefit from some upgrades if somekind.
What the hell?? He's ruining the value of his EZGO!! What was wrong with the factory paint on his old man cart? I always keep my comments to myself at shows because someone will always fly off the handle. Even in general talk, and it get's worse if they spent thru the nose for some part that they were told is super rare, and you mention that you'll sell them one in better condition for $5. As they were on every street corner being sold right next to oranges.
Guys like him are why I stopped going to shows. Am I supposed to be running crappy bias-ply tires? Lets face it, anything you do to a duster's electrical system is an improvment! Most of us have our first loves but can appreciate any fine vehicle, sadly there is always at least one who's mission is to make sure nobody has a good time.

Good for you, btw!

It'd be kinda fun in an evil way to do his old-guy cart the way he wants it, but get another one for dirt cheap and customize the crap out of it for presentation when he comes to pick it up. I'm thinking lots of flames, chrome-plated plastic junk everywhere and maybe some crappy spinners crafted from those foil pot pie plates.

Then again, that could be a bad business move. Especially if the guy had a heart attack or something.
I've told people these same things since I started working on older cars:

1) It's not THEIR car
2) I don't plan on sellin it anyway
3) THEY don't get to drive it anyway
4) THEY don't have to fix what goes wrong
5) THEY don't have to look at it every day
6) THEY didn't put their blood, sweat, tears, and money into it

Basically, just about as nice as I can say :thebirdm:, without coming out and saying it
I say to Hell with him!
It's YOUR car do it the way YOU want it, when he starts giving you money for parts,materials and your time then he could have some say in what it looks like!
he wanted it a brown metallic,like ive never seen,but any ways,made the white seats show up better,but looks like a real turd now.I dont know what that color came on,but it looks like ups brwon,with metallic or something,and he wants to talk about mycar?
Its great timing how this thread popped up. I got an email from the guy who runs the site/club, and he was venting on how the guys on gave him crap about his car when he posted a pic of it. Let just say its a really nice 69 Hemi GTX that he has owned for 30 years. (BTW he traded a 68 Dart GTS 340 4spd for it, but he is in the process of building a nice Dart Convertible.) Of all things they ***** about the stripe not being correct for that year. I emailed him back and told him not to worry about those guys and invited him to check us out here at FABO. Hope he shows up and posts pics of his Dart in progress because its looking really nice....even if its not all original:bootysha: I'll take any original hemi thats not "correct" over not having one anytime.:snakeman:

There's only a couple of things that matter when it comes to cars.
Drives good, feels good, looks good.
The rest of the BS is for geeks that dont have a life. Most guys with numbers matching bullshit dont even know how to drive em. Drive em and enjoy. Trailers are for horses....not cars.
Tell the old golfcart driving fart to go :thebirdm: himself.

The guy that sold me the nos TA/AAR exhaust tips for Nikkis 72 Scamp with a slant six only sold them to me for what I offered because it would piss of the purists.

My dad was at a swapmeet one time and he found the rear roof vent off a 58 impala. He pulled out the cash to buy it and the guy asks "what are you going to put that on?" my dad said "my 50 dodge custom" the guy grabbed the vent from him and said that he wouldn't sell it to anyone that was not going to put it on a impala. my dad just looked at him and told him to F off and walked away.

Yea done that been there. The club I belong to has quite a few purists and it really sticks in their craw when I come rumbling in, all and all though they keep their mouths shut around me, maybe because I look like I could go off at the drop of the hat. I like to keep people that don't know me scared of me.

Sorry but I just can't get exited about a /6,904,8 1/4", I realize some of you guys can and that's another great thing about FABO "to each his own".


Why would Iwant to makemy car handle poorly just so it can be original? Its my car, and the only reason it is in the show is so it isn't in the parking lot where some idiot could hert her.
I am not going to hack my car all up. But I am going to build it the way I want. If some one has a problem with that. All well. My frind was driving me nut with his challenger. It is a clone but for some resone has to be all stock? Then he takes it to the track and runs 15.5's. With a 440!
In my opinion,its there car,there money,there choice.Same for me,i have worked hard on my car to make it something ive never had.I understand that MAYBE some cars are worth more all original.I learned years ago,to build my cars the way i want,even if the plan is to sale the car.That way,if i get stuck with it,it will be the way i want it,and something i dont mind keeping/driving,what ever.So far,i havent been able to keep anything ive started fixing because somebody with money just had to have it.So,in that case,i must be doing something right.wonder what the guy could get for his ugly brown ezgo?
To be honest with you, I would have told him to kiss my azz:thebirdm:. That kind of crap really chaps my azz.
JUst like the guys here.If you think my 318 will be a slug,fine,i dont mind hearing that.If my paint color is ugly to you,cool,i might not like yours either.But damn,you dont have to grille me for an hour,over and ovedr again until i get to the point were i tell you to take your ugly *** brown golf cart,turn it sideways,and drive it and the ford truck you rode in on,up your ***!Ok,i feel a lot better now,lol.Any ways,im a nice guy,i dont get mad very often,im real laid back,but you keep pushing me,and i forget about "the customer is always right" and go straight to who cares about a job,ill find another one tomarrow.The good part about that is,i work for family now,so they cant fire me
I'm with you guy's, who cares if some guy at the factory was a sloppy painter and got paint on the plug wires. I like my MSD wires! Hell my car has so many parts from different years I'd have to start over to get it back to what the fender tag says!! And I wouldn't want it that way. Being a MOPAR
guy to me means, Hop it up, drive the hell out of it, and have fun!!!!!!
there will always be that one person.
they're not worth my trouble anymore.
and they shouldn't be worth your trouble either.
its your car not theirs.
I was going to restore my 64 dart gt \6 convertible to original, but after a heated discusion with my car, she said she wanted to be reborn as a race horse instead of her slow cart and buggy past life. I said slant six, she said new hemi, I said all drum brakes, she said all disc brakes, I said automatic she said manual. We must have went on like this for at least an hour. I guess If I could start my life all over again, Id change a few things. Im just happy she didnt want to be reborn as a Chevy II or Ford Falcon.:-D
Purist like what they like, we like what we like, but if im gonna rebuild a car, I want to drive it fast, stop when I need to and not worry If the judge at a show is gonna like or not like what Ive done. I do want to take my car to a car show sometime, but I dont care if I dont win a thing, I just want to be around other car nuts. To be honest, Id rather go on a cruise down some two lane black top then go to a car show, but occasionally Im sure Ill stop by one, at least in the first few years.