I'm Home!!!



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IN
Well I made it home safe and sound this evening. I am exhausted. The good thing is I got two days off befor I go back to work. All I feel like I did was run the roads for three days. The funeral was nice and all the kids were really good and quiet. Today we went to the graveyard for the military burial. I let my grandma wear my long underwear so she wouldn't get cold. It was 20 degree's plus the wind of 10 to 15 mph. They did the cermonial flag folding and then the one guy knealt in front of my grandma and presented her with the flag. When she received it she held it close to her. Then they played taps and that was it. Thank you all guys for your thoughts and prayers!!
May a brave and honorable man rest in peace knowing his service to all is appreciated.
Betty, been there done that, it's never easy. When Taps is played, it would be rare to see a dry eye.