In the market for a casket???

I wonder if they make an economy casket like a 4 door dart version.Otherwise I will probably end up in a jar.
No handles for paw bearers. Maybe they roll it. Push you off a cliff. LOL
I told the wife to prop my butt behind the wheel of the Sport Satellite, put a s***-eatin' grin on my face and bury me that way.
I was supposed to go in my 79 Dodge Van witch I owned for 30 years but I just recently sold it so I guess one of these would do.

So did anyone dream of laying in there and holding the brakes a little while your mates were trying to roll you along ?
Or being late to your own funeral due to a flat tire ?
I like the page showing the cooler option while you are still alive..... That's got to be one expensive Coleman.
More krazy dreams; Saved by the horn.
Good thing too 'cause the Nav system wasn't responding to map request... HEAVEN