ingnition problems



Went to fire up the dog and no power to the starter! battery was good but the ingnition switch fobared.Now my ? is ive got a 1000amp battery a 100amp alternator and its wired like a 1976 dodge dart. eccept ive rewired the dash wth new auto meter gages fused when needed. now my volt meter on the dash shows 14.7 volts when running/12.8 with ingnition in on postion.but this is what is weird my tach dose this little dance when starting it does a 360 and when running at idol it bonces around from 800 to 1100 Now im still working out the gremlins with the lites.NUTZART!
My tach used to do some wonky stuff like that ( not all of the time ), then one day while checking grounds, realized that the head to firewall strap was only bolted to the firewall...Check the grounds.
Welcome aboard Nutzart.
Just going to throw this out there. MSD seems to solve all ignition related issues very quickly.
thanx guys ill give them all a try.i know the motor is grounded to the firewall and k frame
as for a new ballast resistor ok thats a thought. no neutral saftey switch