Inland Mopar show

Missed you & ED.

I was parking cars. Don't have an accurate count but was told over 100. Swap was real small.

Inland Mopars website hasn't been updated since June 11, two days before the event.
Sorry about the lack of pics from our show - that's usually something I take care of. But I was a bit busy since this was my first time as car show chairman. Limedust70 has had that responsibility for most of the prior years of our show.
We had 112 cars total pre-registration and day of show. However, we had 13 pre-registered cars that never showed up. Total vehicle count at the show was 99.
Total cars was down compared to prior years. Can possibly blame the current economy, possibly the change in show location to Orange County rather than our traditional Inland Empire location. We're hoping to secure a new Inland Empire show location for our 2011 car show. Open to suggestions, so let me know of any.

Ken (ocdart)