Installing 72 Demon door panels in 74 Duster?



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
Warren, MI
I just picked up a set of new Demon door panels for a good price. They look great. I put them up to the doors in my 74 duster and realized the door handle changed location... I still need to take it apart and see if I can relocate the door handles or not. Wondering if anyone else has done this? Or am I better off selling the Demon panels and looking for some duster panels...

Thanks for the help...
i do not believe they will fit. the handles are in 2 different locations, however, i do not know if you can use the guts out of the 72 in the 74, and relocate everything like you say, but may be too much hassle for little gain. as i think it is way easier to find 73+ panels over the 72 and down
if you were not so far away I would trade 71 doors for your 74 doors with door release at the top like yours it would clear my roll bar better
Nope, they wont work. You will need panels from a 73-76. Or you would have to put 70-72 Duster or 71-72 Demon doors on your car to use the panels you got. Not only are the door handles in a different location, the 73-76 doors have the plastic trim on the top. The 70-72 doors are metal (painted) on the top, and its part of the door.
Thanks for all the information.. Bummer about my doors.. The panels look pretty nice. I think they are the year one panels... A friend of mine has a 71 demon. I will have to see if he needs panels or try to sell them. Or I can always look for early model doors I guess... I guess I should have done some research first before buying. As long as I can break even, I will be fine...