Instrument voltage regulator



Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Crescent City Florida
I just purchased one of these 270616287916 on ebay I feel the price was good. For all of us with early A bodies he gives instructions to disable the IVR in the fuel gauge. But more important this will keep you from burning up your fuel,temp and if yours has one oil pressure gauges from a stuck IVR. A whole lot cheaper than even 1 gauge.

I just found this using the keyword search that you requested; thank you!
If you're wise you will completely remove the original mechanical limiter.
A vendor with "Engineering" in their title started the "bend the little thingy" BS about 8 years ago. Others vendors, and even that Rick Earinburg or whatever his name is jumped right onboard.
It is BS !. Sure it works for a few. Many others have had to go back and replace dead solid state regulators over and over again. Remnants of the original limiter was the culprit.
As for the BS / damned mess made on the internet... That damage is done. Even if I showed pics and typed out complete explanation of how and why, One post in one forum wouldn't clean it up. More likely just start a **** storm with a few who did get by with disabling in some manner and a bunch of eggheads who think they have all the answers.
That's all I'll say. Ignore if you want. My advise, Ignore all except my beginning statement. Good luck with it.
Well Red maybe you COULD post the right way to do it. Frankly I've of the opinion that there IS several ways to approach this problem. At least one involves some sort of material, goop, silicone, epoxy, whatever, to safely isolate the offending parts.

I've said this before. You have to use your head. You have to think it through.

You seem to be of the opinion, that it's your way or no way, AND I won't even tell you how.

Well, alrighty then, and thanks for your help
Hmmmm, I have a new external regulator and my dash is out. My fuel gauge still has the internal stock setup because I don't know how to make the changeover correctly. (the absolute best way) I for one would appreciate a link or a post describing the foolproof way to use the new external regulator I already own so I can make the change before I reinstall my completely assembled dash.
Well Red maybe you COULD post the right way to do it. Frankly I've of the opinion that there IS several ways to approach this problem. At least one involves some sort of material, goop, silicone, epoxy, whatever, to safely isolate the offending parts.

I've said this before. You have to use your head. You have to think it through.

You seem to be of the opinion, that it's your way or no way, AND I won't even tell you how.

Well, alrighty then, and thanks for your help

How ? Grab the limiter with needle nose pliers and peel it out of there. That's the easy part.
Opening the gauge and closing the gauge is where many have screwed up. I cant detail the opening and closing because they aren't all assembled the same. Some are crimped, Others have brass brads.
What disturbs me so, The "do it yourselfers" do successfully open then successfully close without having done what needed to be done. Not their fault they were misinformed. Not mine either.
So basically, rip out the old one? Sounds easy enough. Now, any links to the IVR on Ebay? I have my cluster out right now too and thought about replacing the mechanical regulator.