Is anyone else amazed at today’s technology



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
I have infinity Comcast cable at my house and lost all my channels at 10am Saturday morning. I didn’t call it it as I just watched some local tv with a portable antenna. So today I call before heading to a party and they ran some tests after I reset everything. No luck so a tech is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon but she told me I could download the app and watch it on my phone. I have my phone set up to project over to my tv so I asked if this was possible with the app and she said yes. So tonight I downloaded the app and watched street outlaws, news, and Stienfeld like any other night. Once it’s playing you can use you phone for Abodiesonly, Facebook, or anything else without stopping the tv play. Crazy times we live in. I think this will come in handy on my smart tv in my shop.
I have infinity Comcast cable at my house and lost all my channels at 10am Saturday morning. I didn’t call it it as I just watched some local tv with a portable antenna. So today I call before heading to a party and they ran some tests after I reset everything. No luck so a tech is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon but she told me I could download the app and watch it on my phone. I have my phone set up to project over to my tv so I asked if this was possible with the app and she said yes. So tonight I downloaded the app and watched street outlaws, news, and Stienfeld like any other night. Once it’s playing you can use you phone for Abodiesonly, Facebook, or anything else without stopping the tv play. Crazy times we live in. I think this will come in handy on my smart tv in my shop.

That's how I've run my multimedia for years. I also use a chromecast or Google TV for the same uses.
The Google TV can have apps downloaded to it and has a remote that integrates with the TV for volume and makes navigation super easy. Worth the price of admission in both cases I think.
Yes it amazes me. It's great when it works......but when it doesn't.........
I thought for sure you were gonna tell us how they fixed your cable..
Guess not
Too Many People are Entirely Reliant on Tech
, especially When using Navigation on a Smart Phone. They Do Not use the Route Preview,or even look at the map. Those ARE the ones that jump across 4 lanes, cutting Everyone off. Don't get me wrong, it has some darn convenient things going on....
I thought for sure you were gonna tell us how they fixed your cable..
Guess not

After all the tests they think my cable box is dead. I’m making a 40 mile round trip to get a new box today to try it and if it works Wednesdays tech appointment will be scratched.
Technology has gotten ridiculous. Hanging on to the 20th century here. I wouldn't have the internet, but so much can only be done on-line now. I have a pay as you go cell for emergencies, but it never gets turned on. That's it for me.
Technology has gotten ridiculous. Hanging on to the 20th century here. I wouldn't have the internet, but so much can only be done on-line now. I have a pay as you go cell for emergencies, but it never gets turned on. That's it for me.

My fishing buddy a younger mopar guy never had a cell phone. What surprised me even more is he has never been in a Walmart and we have several locally. He lives three miles from one of our last Kmarts in the area to close and bought a lot of his fishing lures there. He’s an engineer full time and has a very nice home machine shop so it’s not like he hates technology.
My dad has Xfinity, & if ever I moved somewhere & that was my only choice, I'll go back to a simple antenna, and spend more time in the garage & yard.
It’s a blessing and scary at the same time. Scary, because we all know Big Brother is constantly monitoring our every move.

Technology is great, except when it is abused.
My dad has Xfinity, & if ever I moved somewhere & that was my only choice, I'll go back to a simple antenna, and spend more time in the garage & yard.

Ohhh I hear you. Between tv and internet a lot of time is wasted but at my age it’s nice to sit back and enjoy it. My son hooked me up with a music app and even made up a favorites list of 50’s songs we always listened to on cassette tapes. Now I have several favorites lists and rotate listening to them when I am porting heads or doing shop work. But I still like my tv time.
Too Many People are Entirely Reliant on Tech
, especially When using Navigation on a Smart Phone.

funny you should mention that
we were out on the big lake (lake Michigan) yesterday to watch the fireworks
there had been a storm in the air all evening and there were some light drizzels while we were out

after the fireworks it got real cloudy (read, pitch dark) and the wind and the waves picked up
enough wind and waves that where i normally can control the boat at idle this time i had to keep the engine around 1500 RMP just to hold a position

waves had gone from dan near glass (i put a picture in the "random pictures" thread) to 3-4 foot waves
at that point, with about 50 or so other boats out and only the two navigation lights at the beacons of the channel to show where the lake goes inward (they are some 300 feet apart)

ill be honest with you man, at that point i would have been happy to have some electronic form of navigation to show me how to safely get the boat and the family back home
I made the 50 mile trip to exchange my cable box and the girl Technican that I talked to on the phone said she would call me today at 12:30 to see if it fixed my issue. It did so we canceled tomorrow’s tech support appointment. She was a little hard to understand but provided great customer support.