Is this torque converter useable?



Life Long MOPAR Owner
Jul 15, 2011
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I was going to install the 727 today and found this. I should just use it right? Not. I’m thinking explosion how about you? Craig

Bring it to your local converter shop, have a new hub put on, or just upgrade to a newer converter. There’s only one version of crack that’s good, it’s not drugs or converter hubs.
Bring it to your local converter shop, have a new hub put on, or just upgrade to a newer converter. There’s only one version of crack that’s good, it’s not drugs or converter hubs.

I don't man. Sometimes that crack comes with a LOT of baggage.
Seems lime a funny place for a crack, have you tried polishing it with scotchbrite or some 400 grit paper? If that is in fact a crack it would have been leaking huge amounts of fluid.
I don't see a crack on the inside. It is a very heavy scratch if it is one. It also seems like a weird place to get a scratch. I stopped my favorite O'R and they said they could only special order one. AZ can get 5 stock and 3 performance ones. I'm trying to figure out what I need now. The one I removed is low stall, two butterfly weights, 11 inch and 10 inch bolt pattern. 440 with RV cam. Some of the convertors list on or two weights so, IDK. Still researching. Craig
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The converter is probably the one most important part of an automatic equipped street car. No matter how mild. In fact, the milder, the more important you might even say. So "now's the time" to choose and get a good one.
The converter is probably the one most important part of an automatic equipped street car. No matter how mild. In fact, the milder, the more important you might even say. So "now's the time" to choose and get a good one.

I get what you're saying but, there are several brands ranging from $250-1000+. I'm trying to figure out why a $300 B&M is better than the $100 parts store TC. Besides that, the performance ones all seem to be higher stall. If you were to suggest a stall for this 3300lb truck with a 440 RV cam, 3.23 gears, what would it be. I was thinking 1900-2100 stock range but, I've never driven or owned anything with a high stall. Craig
I get what you're saying but, there are several brands ranging from $250-1000+. I'm trying to figure out why a $300 B&M is better than the $100 parts store TC. Besides that, the performance ones all seem to be higher stall. If you were to suggest a stall for this 3300lb truck with a 440 RV cam, 3.23 gears, what would it be. I was thinking 1900-2100 stock range but, I've never driven or owned anything with a high stall. Craig

It's not. I wouldn't run a B&M for love nor money.
That would be a strange crack starting at the root of a weld? Or ending?
Any recommendations for a reasonably priced TC. BossHog or Summit brand? Also some say balanced but, don’t I need the one with 2 weights. That’s what I took out. 440/727 low stall 24 spline with 1.81.
I don't believe that is a crack, it looks more like a gouge. That is a low stress area, assuming your flex plate is straight. I'd be more concerned about the seal leaking, [if it rides over the gouge]. Have it magnafluxed to be safe?

From your picture: I wish I could weld like that!
I didn’t take a chance. I ordered a factory high stall from New Hampton. Great folks and helped me decide. Craig