It's about time....



Well-Known Member
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
Concord, California
Living in California gets a little expensive, but after 20 years of living in different places and only having a very full one car garage for my Duster, I finally bought a house with a two car garage! \:D/ :D
Heck the last time I was able to open the car door all the way was when I pushed it outside.
Man I can't wait! :bounce:
Congrats on the new place :cheers: I think I need to find another 4000sf warehouse like I used to have for me to feel comfortable :roll: I just got too much stuff, I'd settle for a 4 car garage right now :( At least your Duster will be happy to have some breathing room :D
Congrats on the garage with the house attached!!!

My realtor was freaked out when I purchased my house...cause I never stepped foot in it. I pulled in the driveway and said give me an hour and left. Went to the county building and permits and planning and asked how big a garage I could put on the property. They told me....100x100 I was ...GREAT!!! Called the realtor back and said put a contract on it!!!! He was never looked at the house...and I said who cares...I won't be in there much anyway!

I just got my 100amp service to my garage the other week and I have been walking around like I have Santa Claus' cellphone number on speed dial!!! *big cheesy grin*

Now all I need is a furnace blower and I can hook up my central ac unit for the garage!!! WHOO HOOOOO ( I upgraded the house central AC and held on to everything now all I need is a oil burning furnace/blower and I am set)

Well back to my domicile, I am done visiting the house. Hehe.....power.....running car in the garage and the smell of burnt race fuel...LIFE IS GOOD FOR ONCE!!!