It's time for Jeffrey to go to kitty heaven.



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Lakeview, OR
We made the call, and the Vet will be at our house in the morning to take our beautiful boy to his final resting place.
We've had him for 15years, got him at about 8 weeks old. He's a super sweet guy, and the best cat we've ever had. He's been fighting kidney disease for 4 years, and what a fighter he is. Four years ago they told us he had a year to live, so he put up a good fight.
We will miss him, and the house just isn't going to feel the same with him gone.
I think Graciemae knows something is
up cause she's been sitting by his side all day.


Really sorry. Sounds like you had a good long life together.

It's so much more comforting knowing they are at home in a place they love. Our leo was lying on our bed when he crossed the rainbow bridge.
I feel your pain. I love having animals in our lives, but even though the years of joy with them persists...the sharp pain of putting them down is hard to balance against it.

I struggle with understanding why so many years of joy are so painfully and so nearly completely wiped away by those final moments...even years later.

I sometimes I sincerely doubt that “Having loved and lost” is really better than “Never having loved at all.”

I think is is because the long love is warm and gentle while the end is painful and sharp. The latter slices away the long warmth in a traumatizing sharp bitter stroke that leaves an emotional scar upon the memory of the love.

I keep saying I will never do it gain, yet I somehow do.

Perhaps it is because I am trying to somehow heal the sharp trauma with another application of long warm love from the next critter.
We made the call, and the Vet will be at our house in the morning to take our beautiful boy to his final resting place.
We've had him for 15years, got him at about 8 weeks old. He's a super sweet guy, and the best cat we've ever had. He's been fighting kidney disease for 4 years, and what a fighter he is. Four years ago they told us he had a year to live, so he put up a good fight.
We will miss him, and the house just isn't going to feel the same with him gone.
I think Graciemae knows something is
up cause she's been sitting by his side all day.

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Is He in pain or uncomfortable?
My wife & I feel your pain, we had to let our Casi cross the rainbow bridge a few months back. She was the sister to Loki & Buddy whom we lost also. Just remember all the good times you had, all of the goofy things he did & that he is having a blast in kitty heaven.
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Sorry to hear about Jeffrey, It’s so hard losing pets. Jeffrey will not be in pain now.
This is the part of sharing your life with critters that sucks. They are so much fun for years and years, then reality rears its ugly head and you have to deal with the end of the line. Sorry to see you have to go with this, but hopefully it's balanced by many good memories. 15 years is a pretty good run.

Couple of fine looking cats, by the way.
So sorry to hear about your Family member. Being a cat lover and having 4 of them I treasure them each and everyday.
Difficult decision to do with a loved one. Easy to say better he is at peace than in pain but it is going to hurt the rest of the family, especially Graciemae.
We put my wife's, then girlfriend, Ceaser to rest the day my Mom passed. Cried more for the cat. After we married, Cricket went home on election day.
Shed your tears and hold on to the memories. Bob
Never an easy decision to make....but if he is no longer enjoying life and is in pain it is the right one. Sorry for your loss...
Have never really been a cat person, however I have had one. White Tom hanging around my folks and Mother was afraid Dad would trip on him. Brought him home and the GF at the time worked for a vet. She took him to get fixed and we named him Neut.Had him longer than the GF. He came down with Bobcat Fever and had to put him down. I believe that was harder to deal with than any of the dogs I’ve lost over the years. Sorry for your loss. They do become our kids.
Don't know what to say, I never had to go through something like that, gonna be hard on Graciemae also, I bet.
Very sorry for your loss. Beautiful cat. I understand how painful this is, since I've had to put down several of our fuzzy buddies. Jeffrey's suffering is over.