
My grandpa was in that invasion. Didn't get nearly the stories out of him that I hoped to before he died - though I can't say I blame him for not wanting to talk about it. He purple hearted on the island after a few months, got a vacation in Hawaii and a ticket home after that.
What's the story with all the photos of dead japanese and the US tents?

I've not seen a lot of these photos before.

7,000 US servicemen were killed there.
20,000 wounded.

The numbers are impossible to comprehend these days.

My dad served in Korea in '53 and did 2 tours in Nam from '66 to '68 an from
'69 to '71. he died 6 months after he got home in '71. Sept. 5th 1971..The day before labor day. I was 7 my brother was 9. I will ALWAYS support our troops!!!!!
Great historical pictures of both Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Some of these pictures may be a little rough for the younger crowd so surf with care.