Job Interview today!!



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
This will be my 3rd visit/interview with this company (SGS/Lakefield Research) I went to a job fair with the company about 3 weeks ago, the job is for lab work in the Environmental division. Literally a 5 minute walk from home. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
Fingers, toes and everything else I can manage :-D are crossed here for ya Steve! Good luck, kick *** and come home with a new job!
Heh, me too, sort of. I put an app in last week for substitute residential to help out disabled folks and be a sign language interpreter. I'm hearing impaired myself but can lip read and pick up sound with my cochlear implant. Odd thing is this guy recruited me and suggested i apply... so. Seems like a rewarding job, plus I'd get some extra dough for mopar parts! :D