just another example here of why you can't trust the news-or their judgement...



Vagrant Vagabond “Veni Vidi Vici”
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
78002 down the road from Atascosa, Texas
Think of the names read out loud as if you were back in junior high school!!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1JYHNX8pdo"]Asiana Pilots names from KTVU News - YouTube[/ame]
Uh...............this is about the 3rd or more posting about this
sorry -i am out of the loop-just thought i would share

S' OK jus letting you know. This is a really stupid mistake on the part of a so called broadcast station. This goes deeper than a "mistake." It gets to the core of the fact that these money-grubbers are using what amounts to public property (rf spectrum) to make money while having such low integrity for truth.

I don't know whether it's CBS, the corporate owners of KREM, or what, but every God Damned Day we are subjected to the ravings of the lunatic fringe AKA Pat Robertson.

Now let's be clear OK? Pat Robertson is NOT a "religious leader," and what he practices is not "religion." He is a fraud at face value, a shyster, a crook, and worse is mentally unstable. He should NOT be on a major network preaching crap

I'll have to read up on Pat Robertson<-is this the guy that one 'james bond movie' was modeled after?), KREM, and more to keep up a non-ignorant dialogue with you. Problem with being a bubble head is that we have to break the habit of having our head 'in a hole' of isolation... - i'll take that as a look up.