Kick down 904 bell crank for 1966 273


Jim Kueneman

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jul 26, 2016
Reaction score
Sonoita, Az
Have a picture of the correct bell crank that goes on the kickdown linkage pin on the 904? I have several and I’m wondering which one is the right one if any.
Answering my own post

In '66, the 2bbl lever on the bell crank is straight and offsets to the inside (toward the carb). The 4bbl one is curved and offsets outward toward the fender because the AFB is wider than the BBD. The bell crank to carb rod and connector is carb specific too, but, the rest of the kickdown linkage is the same.
That's actually the '65 4bbl bell crank (the silver one), not a '66. Let me get that one and post it too........
Here it is.....'66 4bbl. As you can see, even the '65 4bbl is different, and both are different than the 2bbl.

Here is what I have. I’ll just cut the arm and flip it over. I’ll make my own rod from the crank arm to the carb and use a long slot like the newer ones so a bind in the kickdown won’t hang the throttle.

It's not just the offset, it's also the curve. If you noticed the ones I showed, there is also a difference in length of the lower arm that snaps onto to the transmission link. Inside the transmission, the 4bbl has a different ratio apply lever. I'm not saying you can't get it to work eventually, but, it might take quite a bit trial and error to get it just right.
It's not just the offset, it's also the curve. If you noticed the ones I showed, there is also a difference in length of the lower arm that snaps onto to the transmission link. Inside the transmission, the 4bbl has a different ratio apply lever. I'm not saying you can't get it to work eventually, but, it might take quite a bit trial and error to get it just right.

I’m using an Edelbrock and the Chrysler adapter. I have to find the right pivot point and make custom holes. Have done it on all my cars so far. It not too difficult if you are not afraid of a little fabrication.